Ayursamskrithi - the Science and Art of Living Through Ayurveda
India – the land of Ayurveda is a melting pot of various religions, culture, and cuisine. There is some speciality in every walk of life in India. Most of the religious and non-religious practices of India bear a healthy angle to them. The programme familiarises the participants with diverse aspects of Ayurveda and their relevance to life in India.
Learning Outcomes
- Understanding the basic principles and concept of preventive medicine of Ayurveda
- Prepare appropriate diet and nutrition supplements
- Usage of commonly used spices and herbs in healthcare
- Insights into Ayurvedic therapeutic procedures
- Ayurvedic treatments in maintaining the personal health
Course Content
How to adopt various personal healthcare regimens in daily life, deals with various Ayurvedic cooking styles and its scientific explanation, makes familiar with simple methods of home remedies for daily healthcare, explanation about common herbs and their medicinal usage
Name of the Coordinators

Distinctive Features
- Understanding the human body according to Ayurveda
- Self-health care through Ayurveda
- Indian cuisine with Ayurvedic blend
- Ayurvedic child and pregnancy care
Offered by
Division of Ayurveda, CIMR, MAHE, Manipal