Wilderness Medicine
KMC, Manipal is strategically situated on the south-western coast of India. To the east are the biodiverse Western Ghats and to the west are the coastal wetlands and paddy fields which extend up to the shores of the Arabian Sea on the Konkan Coast. As a developing city the human wilderness interface is burdened heavily with human-wildlife conflict such as snake bite, hymenoptera, scorpion envenomations and animal attacks from Indian Gaurs, Wild boars etc. The complex river system bound by tidal mangroves, vast coastline, increasing fishing and tourist activities has a high burden of marine and fresh water emergencies including drowning. In addition, the vast wilderness requires exploration, community awareness at grassroot and medical services on expedition. This summer school will focus on the field of Wilderness Medicine and the disease and injury burdens it focuses on.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify venomous snakes and hymenoptera of medical significance in the region
- Provide first aid for a case of envenomation and carry out steps as a first responder globally acceptable and recommended
- Identify wild animals responsible for animal attack in India
- Provide first aid and carry out steps for a case of animal attack as a first responder globally acceptable
- Plan and prepare an expedition medical kit
Course Content
Envenomation-Snakes, hymenopterans, scorpions; Animal attacks- Indian Gaur, Wild boar, Sloth Bear, Felines, Canids; Basic Dive Medicine; Expedition Prep; Conservation Medicine and one health in Wilderness Medicine
- Consent for emergency treatment during field visits
- Liability waiver for field visits
- Basic equipment for expedition medical kits
Name of the Coordinators

Distinctive Features
- Field visits with wilderness simulation in Agumbe- The land of the King cobra and the Lion tailed Macaque
- Pool session with scuba diving instructor
- Culprit specimen aided interactive session on envenomation
- Actual patient image guided animal attack interactive discussion.
- Potential opportunity to see victims if snake bite, animal attack
Offered by
Centre for Wilderness Medicine and Department of Emergency Medicine