Introduction to Yoga: Holistic Perspective
Yoga is an ancient Indian science of healthy living, indicating a perfect harmony between the mind, body and soul. Practice of yoga involves the disciplining of the intellect, mind and emotions which enables one to look at life in all aspects evenly.
This course is aimed to provide basic information on holistic approach of yoga, for self-health care and stress management.
Learning Outcomes
- The Knowledge of yoga philosophy
- The Knowledge of various practising methods in yoga
- The Knowledge of history and literatures of yoga
- The Knowledge of holistic healthcare
Course Content
Discussions, Theory and practical sessions on kriyas, asana, pranayama, meditation, relaxation, Sessions on life style modification and stress management.
Name of the Coordinators

Distinctive Features
- Yoga practical sessions
- Knowledge of yoga theory and yoga practice
- Self-healthcare
- Demonstration and experiential learning
Offered by
Division of Yoga, Centre for Integrative Medicine & Research (CIMR), MAHE