Tropical Ecosystems – The western Ghats Biodiversity hotspot
Tropical ecosystems are home to some of the fascinating life forms on the planet. The diverse landscapes and habitats, which include rainforests, mangroves, and grasslands, provide a home for a wide range of biological diversity. Furthermore, tropical ecosystems are a major carbon sink, storing up to 40% of global carbon stock. With increasing population and anthropogenic pressure, tropical ecosystems are considered globally vulnerable. South and south-east Asia’s tropical ecosystems are no exception. The great Western Ghats of peninsular India is one of the world’s hottest hotspots, home to many endemic, rare, endangered, and threatened species. This course will introduce the participants to the diversity, structure, and function of tropical ecosystems in the face of global climate change and anthropogenic pressure. The course will also provide first-hand experience working in the tropical forests of the central Western Ghats.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify and apprehend the key faunal and floral assemblages of the tropical ecosystems
- Carry out ecological inventories following standard procedures
- Perform plant functional trait analysis following standard procedures
Course Content
Introduction to tropical ecosystems – habitat types, distribution, and significance; The Western Ghats – Geological history, habitat heterogeneity, forest ecosystems; Qualitative and quantitative estimation – Flora & fauna; Tropical mangroves; grasslands; Ecological status and conservation needs.
Name of the Coordinators

Distinctive Features
- Customized program provides insights into the structure, function, dynamics, and importance of tropical ecosystems in a changing world.
- Experiential learning through laboratory experiments and on-field training.
- Uncovers the rich biological diversity of tropical ecosystems through exclusive field trips to the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot.
- Provides exclusive training on plant inventory methods, long-term monitoring plots, and carbon stock & sequestration techniques using standard protocols..
Offered by
Manipal Centre for Natural Sciencess , MAHE